Why Sizing Is The Most Critical Factor For AC Choice

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Multiple factors determine the best air conditioner (AC) for your home. However, the AC's size is probably the most critical of these factors. Below is an overview of AC sizing and why it's critical for your choice of a cooling system.

Meaning of AC Sizing

An AC's size is not the same as its physical dimensions. Rather, an AC's size is the system's cooling capacity in British Thermal Units (BTUs). Your AC's sizing should match your cooling needs for optimal performance.

Consider a case where you need 4,000 BTUs to keep your house reasonably cool at all times. That means you also need an AC that can supply a similar cooling capacity. An improperly sized AC is either too big or too small for the house you want it to cool.

Dangers of Improper Sizing

An undersized AC will run all the time since it cannot supply the necessary cooling capacity. The continuous running will make the AC wear faster than it should, struggle to cool your house, and consume more energy than it should.

An oversized system will shut down soon after switching it off since it will cool your house extremely fast. While fast cooling might look like an advantage, it creates several problems for the AC and your house. For example, an oversized system:

In the end, an improperly sized AC will likely have a shorter lifespan than a properly sized one.

Sizing Factors

An AC contractor will help you size your AC properly. Below are the critical factors the contractor will use to determine the right AC for your house:

The sizing or load calculation involves other factors in addition to the above critical ones. Your professional AC contractor will consider all relevant factors and help you install the right AC.

Contact a professional to learn more about this and other steps in the air conditioning installation process.
